Old Collegians Rugby Union Club

1st Grade Premiers in 1956, 1959, 1967, 1970, 1971, 1982, 1991, 1998, 2001, 2006, 2014 & 2016  


1937 Photo

Back row - Peter Christie, Mark Slape, Jim Close, George "Hux" Huxtable, Keith Dobson, Colin Runge, Don Philps (Capt.), Ian Hunter.
Middle row - Norman Sorrell, Doug Abbott, Gordon Abbott, Ken Thomas, Frank Fleming
Sitting - Jack Hastwell, Monte Bennett Rear - Max von Sanden (trainer)

Cup for fairest and best player presented by Mick Schlasnk Esq. won by M. Slape.
Cup for most improved player presented by G. Abbott Esq. won by G.H. Huxtable.
Club finished second in Premiership competition. Beaten in Final of Consolation Cup Contest by Army A.

20th August 2002: Len Perkins suggests that Don Philps should be Don "Phelps"

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1945 Team

Back: D.L. Harvey, G. Howell, J.B. Heineman, L.T. Nichols, B. Claridge, ?
Middle: H. Roger, M. Nichol, L.J. Perkins, A.D. Harvey, W. Carter, B. Ellis

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1947 Team

Back Row 1,Peter Roper; 2 Jim Cartwright;3, Jeff Woolard; 4, Brian Claridge; 5 Tim Pascoe; 6 Roger Irving; 7, Fearon Henderson; 8, Bob Carter; 9 Keith Buik;
Second Row: 1 Alan Gordon Scott; 2, Lloyd Jackman; 3, Len Perkins; 4, Frank Russell;
Front Row: 1, Blair Neinaber; 2 Dick Poltridge; 3, John Heinemann; 4 ??; 5, John Graham.

This photo also has the following signatures on the back ( at a later date)
F H Russell, C R Carter, S G Scott, Les Bullen, F H Henderson, W M Lewis, J Probert, J Heinemann, T H Pascoe, J S Cartwright, C A Burns, M L McKay, Keith Buik, Len Perkins, Lloyd Jackman, J Redward , R Richardson, P S Roper

Initially identified as the 1948 team, Len Perkins (20/8/02) has indicated that this is the 1947 team photo.
Photo courtesy of Peter Roper

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1948 Team


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1948 Team - Len Perkins' copy

Back row: J. Redward (coach), J. Cartwright, R. Hirst, F. Russell, P. Walker, C. Runge, G. Harvey, R. Barston, A. Thomas, J. Probert, J. Graham (hon. treasurer);
Kneeling: R. J. Richardson, W. Carter (hon. secretary), L. Perkins (vice-captain), F. Henderson (captain), T. Pascoe, A. Scott, J. Kennedy;
Sitting: R. Burrows, L. Jackman, D. Begg

Photo courtesy of Len Perkins

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1949 Dinner

Old Collegians' members from 1949 or 1950 photographed at dinner at an unknown location.
Were you to compare this with photos taken more recently there would be differences that are immediately apparent. Were we all more civilized in 1949?
(Photograph donated by Bruce Burrows, 3 Kingswood Drive, Dingley Village, Victoria, 3172, - No. 7 in the photograph).
The names below start with those written on the back of the original photo. Any corrections are noted in brackets.
It is difficult to see in the photo but the numbers start from 1 to 8 along the left side of the table, the numbers 11 to 17 along the right side of the table with numbers 9 and 10 at the head of the table, number 24 in front of number 25, number 17 in the right top corner with forehead and right eye only visible.

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1 David Rogers 11 Peter Walkley
(Brian King maintains it is Brian King)
21 John Hirst
2 Bob Eglinton 12 Bruce Horner 22 Jim Probert
3 Bob Stanton 13 David Lavis 23
4 Dave Gooden 14 Lloyd Jackman 24 Fearon Henderson
5 Mr. Smith (Senior) 15 Len Perkins 25 Tom Phillips
6 Colin Smith 16 Alan Scott (Scotty) 26 Jock Kennedy
7 Bruce Burrows 17 Bryce Heinemann 27 Peter Gripps (Brian King maintains is Peter Roper)
8 Mr. L. Gordon Abbott 18 Brian Sendon or Seddon 28 Alan Middleton
9 Mr. Yule 19 David Waugh 29 Warren Carter
10 Mr. John Redwood 20 Peter Walker 30 Frank Russell


1950s No Legend

This photo has never had a legend attached.

Peter Roper has identified:
Top row, No. 2 from left Glen Howell;
Bottom row, No. 2 from left Syd Birdseye, No. 4 from left John Graham

On the back of the photo, two signatures: Will Gurney, P. Lawton
Peter Lawton was an active member of the club in the early 1950s but left for Melbourne in April 1954 (Source: Minutes of the Meeting held at the AMP on the 8th of April 1954).

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1950 Team

(Image provided by Brian King, Adelaide, July 2001)

Back row: John Hirst, Brian King, "Rusty" Thomas, Leo Micenko, Les ??, Gordon Abbott, ??, ??, ??, ??;
Umpire (meaning touch-judge?): "Jamie" Jamieson;
Front row: Davey Rogers, ??, Bruce Burrows, ??, Bruce Horner, Len Perkins
Standing: ??

(where ?? = unknown)

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A Grade 1959 Premiers

Back: J.D. Northwood, A.J. Messner, J.M. Allgrove, B.C. Ormsby, R.B. Rogers, K.B. Gibbs, M. McLeod, C. Bartlett
Front: R. Barker, D. Brown, C.P. Yeo, L.M. Otto (Captain), R. Burgess, R.H. Strudwick, K.J. Sutton Coach: H.J. Rogers

Photo: Patrician Studios, St. Peters
Presented by C.L. Holdich

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