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Tregenza Times

May 2000
Issue 2000/2

Old Collegians'
Rugby Football Club Inc.

News & Events

Most of the space in this issue is devoted to a list of the social events put together by Kim, Maxine, Kath, Richard, Lenny & Dan.  This means less room for other things.  The Junior Draw and Women's Draw will go into the next newsletter.

Brock James will be returning from the Wallaby U19 side playing in Paris.  We hope to have an interview from Brock in the next newsletter.

Calum Mackie is enjoying his time in London, as we would expect of course, having been spotted at Rolf Harris' 70th birthday party.  To some this is a source of amusement.  To others, surprise ... that Rolf is 70 years old.

From Kim Evans, and more of Calum Mackie:  "As for scandal, on recalling the details of my converstaion with Mr Mackie (Senior) I recall that he mentioned that Calum was sent off the pitch in Birmingham for roughing up another player and making him weep. When Calum suggested that crying was not something men do, and particularly not while on t'pitch, he was told "Shut up, you mad Aussie bastard". The moral of the story is uncomplicated - Englishmen are soft."
..... Please, no letters on this

The combined South Australian U16 side beat the Illawarra 1sts at Bailey on Sunday 23rd April  19 vs 12.  This is a South Aussie side beating a NSW side ..... this is good and gettng better.

Last year a number of our Junior players, around 6 or 8 of them and they shall have to remain nameless at the moment, put in some (paid) time to help record the rugby sequences in the movie Selkie (please, I'm an Ac-tor) only to find on it's release this year that the rugby sequences have been removed leaving Richard ("Dougie") de Gioia the only representative of SA and OC rugby in a small AFL sequence of all things.

This year there will be no Junior matches held at Tregenza oval.  This is unfortunate but with Tregenza limited to one pitch and the need to play as many matches as possible in all teams for all clubs at the one location the junior matches will be played at clubs with two pitches with the preference being for Bailey.  The match list is printed elsewhere in this newsletter.

A website for the club has been published and can be found at
Please note that it is still under construction in parts

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