Old Collegians Rugby Union Club



The Campions used to be known as the 'Piranha Brothers'.

Hamish Cranna lost his virginity on the back seat of (his father's) Roller.

Yogi Bear, the cartoon character, after whom young Beare has styled himself, was named for the American baseball coach Yogi Berra, known for his less than profound utterances ("It ain't over 'til it's over!").

Harry Clark, according to Hamish, was once very proud of the three (3) hairs living on his chest. Merlyn, with whom he was going out at the time suggested, or perhaps it was Lola, he use some cream that was guaranteed to increase his hirsuteness. It was depilatory cream. Goodbye to Harry's hairy chest. It's amazing how toxic those early chemicals were as it's remained a barren desert since. Anything showing now is false.

Jeremy 'Mad Dog' Allport gained his more popular name when as a (young) hooker and as one prone at the time to bleed easily, he had a nose bleed during a scrum and on a paddock recently mown so when the ball came through the channel there was a refusal to pick up a grass-clipping covered, bloody ball on the basis that some 'mad dog' had bled over it. The name stuck after that evening's session of heavy drinking.


Edward Suttell's engagement to Judy McDonald was announced in the "Old Collegians Rugby News" in the 18th December 1962 issue

Minutes of 12th May 1982: Kevin Jones introduced to the committee; interested in helping the club


Arthur Hume, Imogen's father, who worked on the same floor of the CitiCentre building in 2002/3 as Paul Horne, was coached in Elizabeth by Howell Witt.


Richard Harris. 1930-2002.

The former Munster rugby player who retired at 19 when he contracted tuberculosis before going on to become a famous actor died in October 2002. He once famously said: "I'll tell you this: two Golden Globes, one Grammy, five Grammy nominations, two American Academy Award nomi-nations, two British Academy Award nominations, one Cannes Film Festival award, four gold records, one platinum record and so on. I am also a multi-millionaire, and you know what? I'd give it all up tomorrow, the whole lot, for one Irish rugby cap. .Just one."

(From TFF, Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald, January 2002)


One of the Kosovo peace-keepers, Brigadier General David Rowe, is an Old Collegians'


Mick Finn and Paul Horne both emigrated to Australia on the same ship, the S.S. Strathnaver, in 1960 and 1958 respectively. And here is a picture of it ...... (Viewed from a u-boat periscope)

I have always had to look more than once at the physical resemblance between Lt. General Peter Cosgrove and our ex-Collegian Mike Cosgrave. With apologies for the poor quality image of Peter Cosgrove.

"Matthew has joined The Old Collegians under 11s and is really loving it. We found that one of my cousins, originally from Sydney, is coaching them...This place is far too small.">
e-mail from Kath Harvey 3rd July 2004


David Rogers is ultimately responsible for introducing everybody to Collegians. ......

- Len Perkins was brought to the club by David Rogers in 1944.

- Sean Faulkner noticed Mick Renfrey in the officer's mess wearing a rugby jersey (in the officer's mess?) and eventually talked him into coming to Collegians.
- David Rogers recruited Sid Feldheim.

- Late in 2002 Andrew Browne convinced Bren Sinnott to show up and when Bren did (in 2003) ... Andrew decided to leave. Bren introduced Erin to the Froc's for 2004 and she introduced her sister Sam.

- Phearless Phil Phrom Phourths .. brought Julia along and she joined the Froc's

- David Quodling was head hunted from Glenelg (now Brighton) by Sid Feldheim (another David Rogers recruit) in 1964. David Quodling was responsible for introducing winning club coach, Bob Forbes, to the club the following year.




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Tregenza oval, Booth Avenue, Linden Park, South Australia, 5065

www.oldcollegiansrugby.org.au   www.oldcollegians.org.au   www.oldcolls.org.au