History of the Newsletter
The Club's newsletter from 19?? to 19?? was known as the "Old Collegians Rugby News". By 1976 it had lost its title and was known only as the newsletter, the banner said simply "Publication of the Old Collegian Rugby Club Inc." or less. The first time the newsletter was given the title "Tregenza Times" together with the Old Collegians' logo was the July 1981 edition (the front page is shown below) although a number of subsequent editions were similarly dated July 1981.

Editors of the newsletters over the years have been:
David Bower (source Len Perkins) | 1952 | |||
1953 | 1954 | |||
1955 | 1956 | |||
1957 | 1958 | |||
1959 | 1960 | |||
1961 | 1962 | |||
1963 | 1964 | |||
1965 | Ron Sweeting (source Len P.) | 1966 | ||
1967 | 1968 | |||
1969 | 1970 | |||
1971 | Editors: Hugh Kerr Grant & Andrew Davidson; Assistant Ed.: Sally Hancock (initially in the year) | 1972 | ||
1973 | 1974 | |||
1975 | 1976 | |||
Tony Bew/Jeremy Allport | 1977 | Jeremy Allport (to December 1977); Hugh Kerr-Grant (from January 1978)) | 1978 | |
Paul Westcott | 1979 | Oscar Jones (to August); J. Douglas (from August) | 1980 | |
Pete Tokarski | 1981 | Peter French, D. Harford (summer) | 1982 | |
Dave Simons - to June | 1983 | 1984 | ||
Dan Paterson (printed by John Hendy - 1sts/2nds player) | 1985 | Dan Paterson (printed by John Hendy - 1sts/2nds player) | 1986 | |
Hollie Kershaw | 1987 | Hollie Kershaw, Dan Paterson | 1988 | |
Pam Young & Sue Harford (from 29th May) | 1989 | 1990 | ||
1991 | 1992 | |||
1993 | 1994 | |||
1995 | 1996 | |||
1997 | 1998 | |||
Helene Dimitri/Paul Horne | 1999 | Paul Horne | 2000 | |
Kim Evans | 2001 | Kim Evans | 2002 | |
Kim Evans | 2003 | Kim Evans | 2004 | |
Kim Evans | 2005 | Kim Evans | 2006 | |
Kim Evans | 2007 | Kim Evans | 2008 | |
Kim Evans | 2009 | Elena Casciano | 2010 | |
Kim Evans | 2011 | Nadia di Girolamo | 2012 | |
Kim Evans | 2013 | Kim Evans | 2014 |
The No. 3 76/77 edition was Tony Bew's last " ... and I am sure Sid Feldheim would be more than pleased to receive applications from anyone who would like to do the job."
12th June 1989:
"It is intended to publish this Newsletter fortnightly. On the week of publication it is typed on Monday, printed and folded on Tuesday, posted on Wednesday to be received on Thursday. We would therefore appreciate receiving all articles for publication by the Sunday of the week of publication. The next newsletter will be typed on Monday 26th June.
"We would like to thank Hamish and Sabena Cranna for printing the Newsletter, John Douglas for arranging the posting and all the team managers and people who fill in score sheets and write match reports. Please keep up the good work!"
29th May 1989:
The Newsletter is now being co-ordinated by Pam Young (Tel. 338 1334) and Sue Harford (271 9801) and we welcome any items you may have for inclusion. These should be posted in the newsletter box underneath the noticeboard at the Club or ring Pam or Sue. We would like to thank Hollie Kershaw and Dan Paterson for their past efforts.
25th October 1988
From the Tregenza Times:
"The Editor used to be elected at the A.G.M. and had a seat on the Management Committee. The Constitution was then revised and the Editor is now appointed by the Management Committee and still has a seat on it. The reason for the change was that for a number of years nominations were not received for the position and the appointment was generally left up to the Management Committee. The effect of this change might be seen to take away the Editor's independence and it has been pointed out to me that Editorial comment might be taken to represent the Committee's view. Whilst I accept this is possible I do not believe any Editor has been compromised and any Committee opinions have always been identified as such. Also any member has a right to publish through these pages."
21st July 1987
From the Tregenza Times:
Many members will be aware that some changes to the newsletter are underway. The first is the partial retirement of Danjo Paterson as editor. Danjo will still be the senior consultant to the newsletter but because of other commitments, he is handing over his journalistic talents to Hollie Kershaw. In future. Hollie will be responsible for putting the newsletter together and (somehow) ensuring that you get your copy.
Danjo's considerable effort in keeping the newsletter going deserves the Club's appreciation - and so do Margaret's. Their team work was commendable. There is more work involved in producing a newsletter of this sort than most people realise.
Hollie and Paul Kershaw joined the Club earlier this year and are newcomers to Adelaide after 10 years working in Papua New Guinea. Hollie is a journalist and writer by profession. After being press-ganged by certain members of the Management Committee, she volunteered to takeover the newsletter.
In order that the newsletter should have some continuity and clarity, Danjo will remain as consultant editor. Hollie freely admits that while ignorance may be bliss, it doesn't help a new editor so members are asked to assist by ensuring that written or vocal contributions to the newsletter flow freely. The Management Committee has decided to install a large letterbox in the Club where members may deposit news items. match reports, complaints, compliments and the like for the attention of the committee and the newsletter editor. The MC promises promises to clear the box at regular intervals and to pay attention to items found inside. No dead rats. please!
Over the next few months we anticipate that the newsletter will undergo some changes in format, layout and content. Your suggestions and comments on what you think should be included (or excluded) will be welcome as are your editorial contributions.
Copies of the Newsletters:
The Mortlock library of the SA State Library, with the exception of a number of issues they already held, have been given all of the club's original newsletters. The club has scanned the originals and they're kept on the website.
The State Library catalogue may be viewed at:
and heritage materials may be requested online at 'click here to submit a request'.
Information about retrieval from off-site storage is available at: http://www.slsa.sa.gov.au/redev_issues/list.htm
From 2001 to 2009, the Tregenza Times was edited by Kim Evans, Club President & Women's player.
In 2010, the Tregenza Times was edited by Elena Casciano, another of the club's womens' players.
Very few editions were published in 2010 & 2012