Old Collegians Rugby Union Club


Club Committee 1951

Source: Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Old Collegians' Rugby Club, held at the Green Dragon Hotel, South Terrace, Wednesday 7th February 1951; Executive Meeting held at Mr. King's office 22nd February 1951, Minutes of meeting of 16th March 1951 held at H.N. Hirst's office

Patron Mr. Dunning
President H.N. Hirst
Vice Presidents Brigadier Burrows, Gordon Abbott, Colin Runge, John Redwood
Honorary Members F. Henderson, Mr. Henderson Snr., T. Phillips, D. Paltridge, B. Hieneman, M. Bennett
Hon. Secretary B.W. King
Hon. Assistant Secretary P. Leith
Hon. Treasurer J. Hirst
Hon. Assistant Treasurer  
Hon. Auditor G.T. Clarke (MP) (approahed 16/3/51)
Hon. Solicitor  
Executive Committee H.N. Hirst, B.W. King, P. Leith, J. Hirst, C. Runge, W. Carter
Equipment Officer Warwick Carter
Finance Committee P. Roper
Social & Publicity Committee P. Leith, Warwick Carter
Grounds Committee Gordon Allen, assisted by Geoff Clarke
Delegates to RU Council B.W. King, W. Carter
Coach Gordon Allen (later to become the Burnside Council Engineer)
Training Captain W. Carter
Honorary Members F. Henderson, M. Henderson Snr., T. Phillips, D. Paltridge, B.Hieneman, M. Bennett





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Tregenza oval, Booth Avenue, Linden Park, South Australia, 5065

www.oldcollegiansrugby.org.au   www.oldcollegians.org.au   www.oldcolls.org.au