Old Collegians Rugby Union Club


Club Committee 1954

Source: Minutes of the Meeting held at the A.M.P. Building on 1st July 1954; Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the Green Dragon Hotel on Wednesday 17th February 1954

Patron Mr. J.A.Dunning
Vice Patrons Rev. Roy, Mr. Disney
President H.N. Hirst
Vice Presidents C. Runge, L. Perkins, G. Allen, G. Harvey, Brigadier F.A. Burrows
Hon. Members J.B. Heineman, Warren Carter, Gordon Abbott
Hon. Secretary L. Micienko
Hon. Assistant Secretary L. Cunnane
Hon. Treasurer G. Hone
Hon. Assistant Treasurer  
Management Committee  
Committee Members P. Roper, B. King, D. Rogers, P. Lawton, R. Thomas, E. Lewis
Hon. Club Registrar  
Hon. Club Solicitor  
Club Captain  
Coaches Mr. E. Lewis (to 1st July 1954), Mr. Smith (from 1st July 1954)
Team Selectors  





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Tregenza oval, Booth Avenue, Linden Park, South Australia, 5065

www.oldcollegiansrugby.org.au   www.oldcollegians.org.au   www.oldcolls.org.au