Old Collegians Rugby Union Club


Club Committee 1958

Source: Minutes of the 1958 Annual General Meeting held at the Green Dragon Hotel 7th February 1958

Patron Mr. J.A. Dunning
Vice Patron Rev. W.R. Ray & Mr. P.C.W. Disney
President C.L. Holdich
Vice Presidents Messrs H.N. Hirst, C. Runge, Dr. A. Kerr-Grant, G. Allen, D. Rogers, Dr. H.E.W. Lyons, Dr. Robert Burston(?), Dr. R. Hone, H. Clay, G. Abbott, L. Perkins, J. Kennedy, W.C.D. Veale, L. Jackeman (?), Lt. Col. S.F.B. Peach, F. Henderson, rev. H.A. Witt, A.K. Gordon, W. Scott, B. Pearse, S. Feldheim
Hon. Secretary Mr. J. Harvey
Hon. Assistant Secretary Mr. K. Gibbs
Hon. Treasurer Mr. G. Angus
Committee J. Callaghan, J. Sheppard, G. Gibbs, Cpt. C. Campion, T. Kerley, Lt. P. Forbes
Delegates to RU Council J. Harvey, H. Clay, G. Hone
Coaches Dr. M. Hone, assisted by P. Le Mercier
Social Committee B. Ormsby, R. Masopust, Dr. M. Begg, Cpt. P. Le Mercier
Junior Team Committee Lt. R. Rooks, J. Corrik, J. Callaghan
Team Managers "A" - P. Fraser
P.S.R.U. Delegate D. Irving
Hon. Auditor J. Kennedy
Team Selection Committee "as of last year 1957"





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Tregenza oval, Booth Avenue, Linden Park, South Australia, 5065

www.oldcollegiansrugby.org.au   www.oldcollegians.org.au   www.oldcolls.org.au