Old Collegians Rugby Union Club


Club Committee 1965

Source: David Quodling (April 2010)

Vice Patron  
President H.J. (Bert) Rogers
Senior Vice President  
Vice Presidents
Hon. Secretary David Wright
Hon. Assistant Secretary  
Hon. Treasurer Cyril Holditch
Hon. Assistant Treasurer  
Hon Solicitors  
Club Captain Bob Forbes & David Quodling
Club Coach Bob Forbes & David Quodling
Team Managers
Assistant Editor  
Match Reports  


(1) To quote David Quodling in April 2010 "Captain/coach was Bob Forbes (Bob broke his leg in a trial game against 3RAR and I filled in as Captain/Coach for the first half of the season. Unfortunately, during my time as Captain/Coach, we were demoted to 2nd Division but, under Bob's guidance we went on to a Div2 premiership and promotion back to the 1s in 66".
(2) The Honours Board (?) had R.C. Gill as Secretary & J.C. Forwood as Treasurer.




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Tregenza oval, Booth Avenue, Linden Park, South Australia, 5065

www.oldcollegiansrugby.org.au   www.oldcollegians.org.au   www.oldcolls.org.au