Old Collegians Rugby Union Club


Club Committee 1985

At 15th November 1985

Patron Dr. A. Kerr-Grant
Vice Patron Brigadier Walker, Heads of Pulteney, Saints, PAC, Blackfriars, Scoth, Sacred Heart.
President Peter Allen
Senior Vice President Howard Clay
Hon. Secretary Barbara Finn
Hon. Assistant Secretary Margaret Baldwin
Hon. Treasurer Nic Szuster
Hon. Assistant Treasurer na
Hon. Auditor E. Reeves
Hon. Solicitor Andrew Short
Committee Members John Brown, Daniel McCartan, Henry Rymill, Tim Naylor, Mick Campion
Hon. Editor na
Hon. Club Registrar Daniel Paterson
Hon. Cricket Representative D. McCartan
Vice Presidents C. Campion. M. Finn, J. Davies, D. Douglas, S.Feldheim, R. Burgess, B. Stafford-Lee
Team Selectors B.Stafford-Lee, Bob Burgess





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Tregenza oval, Booth Avenue, Linden Park, South Australia, 5065

www.oldcollegiansrugby.org.au   www.oldcollegians.org.au   www.oldcolls.org.au